I-95 Interchange at Boynton Beach Boulevard Design Project
What is the purpose of this project?
The purpose of the project is to enhance overall traffic operations at the existing interchange of SR-9/I-95 and SR-804/Boynton Beach Boulevard by providing improvements to achieve acceptable Levels of Service (LOS) at the interchange in the future condition (2040 Design Year). Conditions along Boynton Beach Boulevard are anticipated to deteriorate below acceptable LOS standards if no improvements occur by 2040; the interchange will have insufficient capacity to accommodate the projected travel demand.
What are the limits for this project?
The area is located in eastern Palm Beach County within the City of Boynton Beach at SR-804 / Boynton Beach Boulevard at SR-9 / I-95 (Exit 57). On I-95, the work will include from the northbound off ramp / southbound on ramp connections with I-95 to the southbound off ramp / northbound on-ramp I-95 connection and on Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road / SW 8th Street to just east of NW 3rd Street.
What are the planned improvements?
This design-bid-build project consists of widening, milling and resurfacing the existing SR-9 / I-95 at Boynton Beach Boulevard interchange. Work on I-95 will include widening the Boynton Beach Boulevard bridge and each of the ramps; and work on SR-804 / Boynton Beach Boulevard will occur from Old Boynton Road / SW 8th Street to just east of NW 3rd Street. Also, the project includes new sidewalks and buffered bicycle lanes. This interchange project proposes to enhance operational capacity, reduce congestion, and increase safety.
What is a design-bid-build project?
Design-bid-build (DBB) projects are where the Florida Department of Transportation contracts with an engineering firm for design documents that upon completion are ready to be put out for bid and construction.
How can I get involved?
You have the opportunity to receive project-related information through this website, newsletters, public information meetings, and the public workshop. You are encouraged to register to get more information on the Email Updates page of this website.
You can also review information about the project and the FDOT’s Efficient Transportation Decision Making (ETDM) screening process on the ETDM website at https://etdmpub.fla-etat.org. In the Project Search window, click on Project Number, enter the number 14180 (SR-9/I-95 at Boynton Beach Boulevard Interchange), and click go. Click on the Project Information tab and select what you would like to review from the drop down menu.
For questions or comments, contact the FDOT Project Manager, Thuc H. Le, P.E. Click here to be added to the email or mailing list and receive project updates.
How can I obtain the latest study materials?
The latest materials for the SR-9/I-95 at SR-804/Boynton Beach Boulevard Interchange will be available on the Documents and Publications of this website. Please check back regularly for updates as the design is constantly evolving.
When will the project be built?
The design team received the notice to begin design on February 23, 2018. The current letting date for the construction phase is July 26, 2023.
Where can I find information on the construction projects already happening on SR-9/I-95?
To find out about other current SR-9/I-95 transportation projects, go to the Current Nearby Projects page.
When is the next public meeting?
Notice of public meetings will be posted on the Public Notices page of this website. Please check back often for details on upcoming meeting locations and times.